Monday, August 25, 2008


I am Sherlyn Banzuela, I am the youngest to our family. I came from the broken family.., my Mother and my Father separated for any reasons when I was about 5 years old. My Father leave us in the province and He stay in Manila. My Mother was so depressed and hopeless but she don't give up, she don't have any choice just to continue life and responsibilities all by herself. I feel so pity for my Mother because I can see that she's work very hard for us , night and day just to feed 5 children three times a day!

Day goes on and I can see that things get miserable and complicated..even though I'm too young at that time, I know exactly what's going on. And I promised to myself that when I grew up I finished my studies so that I can find a good job. By that, I will help my mother..but not all I've planned was succeed. I had to stop my study because of the financial problem, but then I never stop hoping that someday I could find the right job. I worked in a Beauty Supply as a salesclerk and in a 2 manufacturing company, and I found myself this all I wanna do?

Am I happy and content with my achievements? And then suddenly say NO, I'm not contented...I'm so ambitious, I really admit that! I wanna do something more, I still want to go to school but I can' was so hard for me but I have to accept it!But I'm never give up hoping, I know that I can find a very good job.

And now I've finally found it.. through Mr. Flynn. Maybe He's the one I'm asking to God, actually He's friend of my sister. He is the owner of the multi billion company, the Spectrum Blue Steel (SBS). I can say that He's really a good man, He helped others without asking in return. He always giving a chance the one who wants to be succeed in life like me. And now I am here at the training ground, and I'm willing to learn more about my work..I'll grab this good opportunities that Mr.Flynn give to me.

This is my chance to fulfill my dreams and to continue my studies!Life goes on and things gets better..and a friend help me a lot to find myself, and that was Mr.Flynn. He always there to help for a friend, and to the one really need help. Now I can say that I was so blessed because He is my friend! I know I will succeed and it's all because of this man, He put his trust on us. Because He knows that we can make it!

In closing, I can see to my self that I can be full fill my dream thou him, his company is my chance to prove to myself and to anybody that even I don't finish my study I still have a chance to explore my ability to be part of his company, and I can contribute ideas for the success and can achieve my goal in life.